

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: September 15, 2022
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Please indicate your preferred presentation style below.
Please note that you are not guaranteed your preference.

  • Either oral or poster
  • Poster
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Type Deadlines or Status
Symposium Abstracts September 15 2022
Poster Abstracts September 15 2022


The following topics are our focus, but any issues related to VIP, PACAP, and related and bioactive peptides are highly welcome.

  1. Gene expression and biosynthesis: tissue-specific regulation of expression
  2. Physiological function and intracellular signaling
  3. Neuronal function: effects on central and peripheral nervous systems, neuroprotective effects, and pain modulation
  4. Endocrinology and metabolism
  5. Inflammation and the Immune System
  6. Functions in the digestive system
  7. Neurogenesis and differentiation
  8. Involvement in psychiatric disorders and neurodegenerative disorders
  9. Therapeutic drug discovery and clinical application
  10. The latest technology for peptide research